DDR-CJS-RS2-1 DOMINANT SEMICONDUCTORS SMD LED PLCC2 Red 285 mcd 120 ° 30 mA 2.3 V Dominant Semiconductors DDR-CJS-RS2-1

Part Nnumber
SMD LED PLCC2 Red 285 mcd 120 ° 30 mA 2.3 V Dominant Semiconductors DDR-CJS-RS2-1
Basic price
0,27 EUR

The product with part number DDR-CJS-RS2-1 (SMD LED PLCC2 Red 285 mcd 120 ° 30 mA 2.3 V Dominant Semiconductors DDR-CJS-RS2-1) is from company DOMINANT SEMICONDUCTORS and distributed with basic unit price 0,27 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc.

SMD LED PLCC2 Red 285 mcd 120 ° 30 mA 2.3 V Dominant Semiconductors DDR-CJS-RS2-1 Technical data Category SMD LED Type DDR-CJS-RS2-1 Colour Red UF 2.3 V IF 30 mA Type SMD Type PLCC2 Light intensity I(V) 285 mcd Wavelength 625 nm Radiation angle 120 ° Length 3.2 mm Width 2.8 mm Height 1.8 mm Intensity, max. 20 mA

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